What Causes Flashes Of Light And Blue Halo Effect In Vision?
It requires evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history. The symptoms of flashes of light and the blue halo effect lasting for few seconds require evaluation of the posterior segment of the eye including retina and vitreous. The common problems to be ruled out are retinal thinning, retinal tears, posterior vitreous detachment...
Since you known diabetic and on treatment you need to get retinal examination done to rule out diabetic retinopathy.
Since you have mentioned that you had already undergone eye examination, just see whether your ophthalmologist has indirect ophthalmoscopy of retina after dilating the pupil. If it was normal then no need to worry. But if the symptoms persist or if your ophthalmologist has not done the indirect ophthalmoscopy you need to consult another ophthalmologist or preferably a retina specialist for examination of the posterior segment of the eye and treatment accordingly.
The causes other than eye to be ruled out are prodromal phase of migraine. If you are having headache followed by these episodes then it requires treatment by physician.
Do get back to me with
1. Reports of indirect ophthalmoscopy done by your ophthalmologist, and if it is not done please undergo the test.
2. Do mention presence of other symptoms like headache after flashes of light.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards
I do have headaches but not sure that they coincide with the flashes of lights. Can migraines cause vertigo?
Thank you!
Yes migraine can cause vertigo.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
The dilated eye examination is indirect ophthalmoscopy. Since it is normal this will rule out retinal problems, hence no need to worry.
So in your case I would like to rule out non ocular causes like migraine.
Migraine will cause symptoms of flashes of light, dizziness or vertigo in the prodromal phase and this is usually followed by headache and this comes in episodes.
The treatment is mainly by analgesic and antimigraine drugs.
Hence I advice you to consult your physician doctor for examination to look for non ocular causes and treatment accordingly.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards