What Causes Fluttering In Right Eye While Reading Or Knitting?
fluttering eye with one lazy .nded is posiblesecond opinion recomananded
Detailed Answer:
fluttering of eye is mainly ticks. you have got a lazy eye which will cause anisometropia. it will result in squint since you will try to use the good eye. the lazy eye will deviate and try to fix if other eye is not covered. proper refraction should be done to detect squint and astigmatism appears your oblique muscles are involved. test for movement of eye muscle and detect the effected muscle.prismatic correction are given when there is problem in up and down movement and there is diplopia.surgical correction is not possible since you have got high cylindrical problem. considering your age eye patch of good eye and forcing amblyopic eye to fix will not help. it can help up to 9 years of age
second opinion can be taken from any doctor.
Detailed Answer:
you can consult neuro oph thalomologis. but what ever i have advised still holds ground. no harm in taking second opinion from any doctor.hope for the best.