What Causes Frequent Bowel Movements In An Infant?
Our baby girl is 6weeks old now. She was born at 39weeks weighing 2.7 KG. At 3weeks of age she is 3.4Kg. After that we didn’t get a chance to weigh her.
As she was crying more in the night we consulted a doctor. He suggested stool examination for the baby. In that stool for reducing substances is positive (did the test twice when she 3weeks and 6weeks, both positive). The doctor suggested us to reduce the breast milk and suggested a lactose free formula. As of now we are giving mostly (90%) breast milk only to the baby. We are giving daily once the suggested formula milk. I’ve attached the lab reports and doctor’s prescription here, please have a look.
She going motion 4-6 times a day. Motion is not full waterish nor solid.
Is this a problem? Is it temporary/permanent? Should we continue giving her breast milk as it is good for her?
Today we took her to a government hospital for vaccination. They gave her penta vaccine, OPV and IPV. What all does the penta vaccine contain? They didn’t give vaccine for PCV and Rotavirus. Should we get these administered to the baby? I heard there are several brands in the market, which is better? Can we give these to the baby in this week?
Thank for the help in advance.
Continue breastfeeding,PCV and rota virus vaccination can be given
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
The stool of babies during first 2-3 months varies in terms of frequency,consistency and color.
Baby may pass stool 6-8 times a day particularly after feed (due to normal gastronomic reflex)or once in 5-6 days.
I have seen the reports and I have noticed that the report of reducing substance in stool is qualitative (positive or negative) not qualitative (which shows the amount of reducing substance in stool).
Report showing showing only presence of reducing substance is stool in not of much significance.It should be mentioned in quantity (ranging from 1+ to 4+).
Reducing substance can be present in normal stool but it's increased amount suggests lactose intolerance.
So I won't get overly worried for stool pattern if baby is accepting feeds well,passing urine and is otherwise active.There are so many other causes of excessive crying in this age apart from lactose intolerance.
I would like to get stool test done for reducing sugar based on quantitative value.
You may continue breastfeeding without any concern.
Penta vaccine contains combination of DTP (diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus),hemophilus influenzae and hepatitis B vaccines.
I would suggest you to get the baby vaccinated for PCV and rotavirus also.
The common brands for PCV are Synflorix and Prevnar.Cost of Prevnar is about 2.5 times that of Synflorix as it protects against 13 strains in compare to 10 in Synflorix.
I recommend for Prevnar.
For Rotavirus I recommend Rotavac.It is cheaper and having same efficacy as with other brands.
Both these can be given to baby at 6 weeks of age and in conjunction with Penta,IPV and OPV.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more query.