What Causes Frequent Urination In An Elderly Person?
Frequency for urination is likely to be due to Senile Urethral Stenosis .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query ,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have frequency for urination since 2 days after tooth extraction .This may be jut a coincidence .
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem
1) Have your Urologist done Cystoscopic Examination of Bladder ?
2) Have you done Ultrasound Scanning of abdomen ?
The frequency for urination that you have is most likely to be due to what is called senile Urethral Stenosis .
During old age there is generalized atrophy of genito Urinary organs that also involves female urethra resulting into narrowing of urethra .This narrowed urethra causes incomplete emptying of bladder during every act of micturition resulting into some amount of urine to remain in bladder what is called as Post Void Residual Urine (PVR) .
Urine formation is a continuous process and kidneys are constantly pouring urine down in to bladder which gets filed up early and there is urge to go for urination frequently leading to Frequency for urination .
I would suggest you to consult your Urologist and discus with him about Calibrating the Urethra kaleidoscopically .This will dilate the urethra and help in complete emptying of bladder and there by help in reducing frequency .
Please get your urine culture done to rule out infection .
In the mean while satrt taking urinary anti spasmodic like Flavoxate twice daily .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions , I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.