What Causes Frequent Urination While On Diclofenac?
How do I stop?
You should stop ...you can try a switch though
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic.
Thanks for writing.
I am Dr.Muhammad Ahmad. I have read your question completely, i understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.
Yes it is possible that diclofenac is causing urinary symptoms because this side effect has been reported about it.
It is a benign side effect though increased or frequent urination will not cause any long term bas effect on your body or kidneys but if this is bothering you much then you can discuss with your doctor about changing the med.
If you can afford not taking diclofenac for 2..3 days then you can leave it and see if unine problems settle by not taking it, this will also let you know if diclo is actually the cluprit or not.
There are certain OTc medications like Tylenol, ibuprufen which you can use for pain relief you can think about switching to them if uninary problems are bothering you to much extent.
i doubt if you can stop the med completely I expect you will again start having pain. Yes you can gradually shift to Tylenol or Ibuprufen(their effect on your pain can not be predicted untill tou use them).
So for now I would say get Ibuprufen400mg twice daily, instead of diclofenac and see if that helps you with pain as well as urinary symptoms
I hope this answered your question, a
if you have more please feel free to ask.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad.
M.B.B.S(Licensed Family Physician)
Resident M.D.
What is your opinion on long term gabapentin use? I do appreciate its sleep effect but prefer not to take any unnecessary drug.
Yes thats the best plan i can suggest with OTC meds
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back
I would like to make a correction in my last response under heading of Brief: "you shouldn't stop altogether you should switch gradually"
Yes the plan of switching you have mentioned can help, or you can take diclo in morning and tylenol in evening to control pain and then you can replace morning diclo with tylenol.
As far as gabapentin is concerned it has two effects.
1) Releieves pain.( specially nerve related like compressed nerves in lumber issues)
2) Makes sleep better(sedation is its side effect rather)
So long term use can be done but there must be a reason that your MD started you with this , so he can better decide when you can stop this medicine or you can't at all.
One never knows how much contribution Gabapentin is making in your pain relief so you can discuss the duration of it's use with your MD on next visit but In my opinion you will have to continue the use for few more months at least untill your doctor feels that he can wean you off it.
Frequent urination can also be due to urinary tract irritation or UTI so kindly consider that as well.
I wish you the very best of health and i hope things work out well for you.
Stay blessed
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad