What Causes Frequent Urination With Dry Mouth?
Polydipsia and polyuria
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
While this could be from dry winter air, increased thirst and urination can be a hallmark for diabetes. This is because if sugar is not taken out of the blood stream into the cells (such as if there isn't enough insulin to cause it to be transported into the cells), then the kidneys dump it into the urine and water follows. It causes a state of dehydration even with drinking so much.
I highly advise that you not wait for your appointment but go to an urgent care clinic today where they can do a blood test for glucose level, and also a dipstick urine test for presence of sugar and protein. They should check your electrolytes too (sodium, potassium, etc) as that can be off too. And in that electrolyte blood test they can see a bit about your kidney function with BUN (blood urea nitrogen) and Creatinine levels.
Other possible causes are medications and supplements you might be taking, and kidney issues.
But I advise getting it checked now.