What Causes Frequent Urination?
increased urination
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Thank you for contacting HCM with your health care concerns
You have noticed and increase in the amount and frequency of urination. This could be the first signs of diabetes. I would recommend having your blood sugar tested. If your blood sugar is > 126 after a nights fast or your blood sugar is > 160 2 hours after a meal then you have diabetes.
If you are drinking more eater and eating more fruits that could just give you more free water and making you urinate frequently. This would be completely normal
If you recently had any head trauma or concussion this can cause your kidneys to over react and urinate abnormally.
This does not sound like a urinaray tract infection but it would be something I would check with a urine analysis. This can be done at any doctor's office
I recommend that you be seen at your doctor's office so they can check your urine and blood
I hope I answered your question. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions
do you think it could be any kind of STD? ive read some internet stuff and some said maybe herpes? but i have no kind of break out?
STD signs and symptoms
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This does not sound like an STD. STD would have urine burning, penile discharge or a blister formation. Urine frequency is not seen with an STD
so then a little burning on the head of penis feels like the outside penis it comes and goes, is this still not seen in a STD ?
Thank you for your help
Would this be something you would see before a break out?
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If you had blisters breaking out then there would be definate evidence of herpes infection. Since you don't see any there is low chance for herpes. But the best way to check is have your medical provider swab the end of you penis for a viral culture. That would be the best way to know if this was Herpes. Any other STD would give you burning inside the penis or discharge from the penis
Herpes testing
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Yes some people will not get any outbreaks wtih blisters but can be sheading viral particles without even knowing it. So I think for your protection and peace of mind you should get a herpes culture
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That is why Herpes is such a sneaky disease. Just get tested to be sure
Get checked
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There is only one way to be sure and that is to see your medical provider and get the culture done. That will tell you if you need to be worried or not. There are treatments and even a daily treatment that will prevent further outbreaks if yo have herpes
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The extra peeing may not be from an STD. You could still have just a UTI. Frequency on urination is usually seen with UTI and not with Herpes. SO it is real important to e rechecked
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You can get UTI from both protected and unprotected sex. It is caused by bacteria migrating into the penis during the action of sex. You can also get a UTI for oral sex