What Causes Fullness In Ears And Light Headedness?
Symptoms: A fullness in her ears, feeling of being underwater.
lightheaded feeling most of the time.
A scratching or unusual sound in her head
Sometimes her vision goes half mask
It can be brought on by excitement or emotion.
Definite hearing loss
When alone or sitting quietly symptoms seem to disappear or considerably decrease.
Nothing has showing up on a CAT scan. She has never had a stroke. Her symptoms are brought on by emotion, crowded rooms, to much talking, happiness, getting excited over something, etc.
The GP put her on an anti-anxiety which is helped a tiny tiny bit.
Could she have an inner ear disease.
Quality-of-life is being jeopardized by these awful symptoms.
Any ideas?
More of hypotension symptoms.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking.
I am Dr. Prakash HM and I will be answering your query.
Based on your query, my opinion is as follows:
1. Fullness of ears, is usually due to eustachian tube block commonly. Steam inhalation and antihistamines like cetrizine or loratidine will help in reducing secretions and remove blockage. Valsalva maneuver might help. Partial blocks can lead to unusual sounds or tinnitus.
2. Light headed feeling most of the time, and improving with sitting, could be due to dehydration leading onto postural hypotension. Slow change in positions from sitting to standing, etc and also slow movements of heads will reduce light headedness or blurring of vision. Improved hydration or more water and fruit juices will be helpful.
3. Hearing loss could be age related. However, with above symptoms, ENT evaluation will be helpful. As the symptoms are brought on my mostly emotions, I do not expect much of an inner ear disease. Nothing wrong in getting a vestibular test done.
Anti-anxiety medications will reduce few of the symptoms. As it is helping her, continue the same. Emotions can also cause hypotension.
Good hydration with steam inhalation and valsalva maneuver (blowing with both mouth and nose closed to dilate the eustachian tube - to be done slowly - if done fast, it can damage ear drum) along with antihistamines could prove useful. Check blood pressure during episodes to rule out any hypotension.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM