What Causes Greenish Vaginal Discharge?
may be trichomonas or gonococci infection
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to HCM,
There are many causes of vaginal discharge.
Fungal infections [ yeasts] are just one of the causes. Other reasons are infections due to bacteria like gonococci, chlamydia, pseudomonas and so on. Also infection with a parasite called trichomonas also causes green discharge. A condition called bacterial vaginosis may cause a discharge.
Sometimes infections in uterus and tubes or cervix also leads to green discharge.
If the discharge is greenish then it is less likely to be yeast. Trichomonal infection or a bacterial one is more likely.
It is best to see your doctor and get tested as well as get a cervical and vaginal swab examined under a microscope [ gram stain test] to look for organisms causing it].
We generally provide a mixed treatment for vaginal discharge that include drugs acting against fungi, bacteria as well as trichomonas. A combination of metronidazole, ofloxacin and fluconazole are generally given.
So get an examination so that proper treatment can be given. Also if you are sexually active it is better to get your partner treated so that repeat cross infections do not occur.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist
[You may also ask me direct questions at the following link. http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/doctors/dr-