What Causes Gurgling Sound During Palpation Of Testicle?
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Detailed Answer:
There is no medical term "gurgling testicle" but I suppose that it refers to gurgling sound during palpation of testicle and in this case it can be caused by several conditions. most commonly this is hydrocele,varicocele or benign cysts. Testicles can be injured or inflammed and if these conditions are untreated then it could effect blood flow and cause testicle atrophy and necrosis. this is very rare but possible. Dead testicle would manifest with obvious symptoms, there would be swelling and redness in the beginning and later there would be decrease of size, signs of systemic infection, blood in urine and pain. symptoms also depends is this acute or chronic damage of testicle.
Physical examination can reveal size, consistency, presence of fluids,sings of inflammation,but for 100% diagnosis you need to do ultrasound or it must be surgically explored.
Wish you good health. Feel free to ask. Regards
Detailed Answer:
you would have significant symptoms at the time of testicle injury or incident.
Sometimes circualtion problems may lead to atrophy which may be chronic and it would lead to slow size decrease,but if it was dead,it couldnt stay in scrotum without signs of infection and it should be removed surgically in this case. To confirm the diagnosis 100% you should do ultrasound,but it is obviously not dead.
Detailed Answer:
If there was injury of testis 4 years ago which caused testicle necrosis then it would already be unnoticeable small,you would have extreme pain,swelling and redness at time of testicle "dying" and your doctor would palpate empty scrotum on clinical examination. Your symptom may be cause by other urogenital injury,not testicle necrosis, such as prostate and urethral issues.