What Causes Hallucinations After Extensive Neck Surgery?
Such symptoms can occur due to delirium but other cause should be ruled out
Detailed Answer:
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He has underwent extensive neck surgery 3 days ago. He was taking Tylenol 3 for pain every 4 hours. Now he has developed hallucinations, loss of orientation, he is violent and abusive.
As he has underwent neck surgery three days ago one probable reason for his symptoms may be some electrolyte imbalance. I would advised you to consult his attending doctor and enquire about his serum Sodium, Potassium, Calcium etc electrolytes. Post surgery electrolytes abnormalities are common cause for such symptoms of confusion, disorientation etc.
Secondly one this I would like to know if his attending doctors are aware of his use of Tylenol 3 tablets for pain. If they are not aware and are not supplementing the drug then withdrawal symptoms of Tylenol (which consists of acetaminophen and codeine) could be the reason of his symptoms.
If both these conditions can be ruled out then other possible reason for his symptoms is Delirium. In delirium cloudiness of consciousness occur along with loss of orientation to time, place and person along with perceptual disturbances (like hallucinations) etc are seen. Discuss with his doctors about these possibilities and if possible ask for reference from a psychiatrist to rule out the diagnosis of delirium and other possibilities I have mentioned.
For treatment of his symptoms of Delirium medicines like antipsychotics are used. Haloperidol have excellent results in such symptoms and will result in improvement in a day or two. His electrolyte and fluid status should be maintained along with proper control of BP, Oxygen saturation.
Thanks, hope this helps you. Please ask again for more doubts.