What Causes Headache, Blurry Vision, Insomnia, Frequent Urination And Dizziness?
headaches, blurry vision, insomnia, frequent urination at night, fluctuating blood pressure, dizziness, ringing in the ears, COPD, tingling on one side of her face. She has been to numerous doctors including a neurologist and cardiologist. Recently had a CT scan of her brain which they said was fine. Also carotid artery was fine. We are at our wits end. She has been in bed for the past two days because she cannot function. This is not my mom. Please, please help her.
Needs further evauation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
These symptoms could be due to problems in
1. Brain.
2. Inner ears.
3. Vitamin deficiency (especially B12 )
4. Diabetes.
5. Alteration of blood sodium and Calcium levels.
6. Medications side effects.
7. Heart problems.
She has been not evaluated properly ( just a CT and carotid doppler is not sufficient ) . I recommend her to undergo the following evaluation to know what has happened.
MRI Brain, Dix hallpike maneuver, Serum Vitamin B12 levels, Serum Sodium and Calcium levels, FBS, PPBS, ECG , Arterial blood gas Analysis and also let me know what medications she is on for blood pressure.
Kindly revert back with reports.