What Causes Headache, Hip Pain And Increased Feet Pain Every Morning?
Rheumatological condition possible
Detailed Answer:
I read your question and I understand your concern.
The distribution of your symptoms is wide ranging from the headache to pain in the feet. That makes most probable a rheumatological condition like connective tissue disease. These group of conditions from which the most common are rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (but include others) involve many joints, which could explain the pain in the hips and limbs, as well as cause arthritis in the neck which may lead to headache. The symptoms are typically more marked in the morning when the joint feel stiffer.
For the moment you can take non steroid anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like meloxicam, naproxen etc to alleviate your symptoms. However you have to schedule an appointment with your physician for a physical exam to look for other signs which might be present, as well as some blood tests to look for inflammation changes, as well as more specific antibodies which could indicate which connective tissue disorder you might have. Blood tests for metabolic abnormalities such as electrolytes, thyroid function, vitamin B12 and D, complete blood count are necessary as well.
Another possible diagnosis is fibromyalgia, a disorder characterized by widespread pain and tenderness. But that diagnosis is made only after other causes, mainly the above mentioned connective tissue disorders have been excluded.