What Causes Headache, Neck Pain And Stiffness In The Back After Head Injury?
Nothing alarming
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Some head and neck pain is common after a hit such as that. It should gradually diminish over the course of the next days and doesn't require any particular treatment apart from resting (physical and mental) and the occasional over the counter pain killer like Tylenol.
During the first 24 hours (48 at most) it should be kept an eye for possible symptoms which would raise the suspicion of a brain lesion such as hemorrhage which is what I suppose you fear. Such symptoms would be: headache increasing in intensity with vomiting, seizures, weakness or numbness of the limbs on one side, double vision or other visual problems, confusion or unusual behavior noticed by those close to you.
If any such manifestations appear then you should head to the emergency room to get an evaluation possibly with a head CT.
Otherwise you shouldn't be concerned too much and simply rest as advised.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.
Read below
Detailed Answer:
Sorry for answering a little late, your question has come as I took a very busy shift.
Yes the symptoms you describe do indicate whiplash injury, it typically manifests with neck stiffness and tenderness.
In most cases it improves gradually over the following weeks, without the need for any special treatment or consultation. At this stage warm compresses are advised, applied for about 15 minutes 3 times a day. Over the counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen may be used as well.
If the pain and stiffness persists for over a couple of weeks then physical therapy may be considered. If instead of gradually improving there is some new symptom or symptoms increase in intensity do not hesitate to write again, in that case seeing a doctor would become necessary.
Let me know if I can further assist you.