What Causes Heart Palpitations And Dizziness After Doing Manual Labor?
This has happen for approx 3 years and I have been managing it. today the sensation lasted most of the day. Could this be a heart or lung issue?
I recommend you as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern and would explain that a careful differential diagnosis between different causes affecting the heart ( possible cardiac arrhythmia),the gastroesofageal junction (possible reflux, esophageal spasms), etc. should be done.
Anxiety could also mimic this clinical scenario.
Have you measured your blood pressure and heart rate during these episodes?
I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a chest X Ray study, a resting ECG and some blood lab tests:
- complete blood count
- fasting glucose
- kidney and liver function tests
-blood electrolytes.
A fibrogastroscopy may be necessary to exclude possible gastroesofageal disorder.
A head up tilt test should be done if suspicions of a possible orthostatic intolerance are raised.
An ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring may be necessary to exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia.
You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues.
Hope to have been helpful!
Feel free to ask any other questions whenever you need.
Dr. Iliri