What Causes Heaviness In The Chest,, Chest Congestion, Fatigue And Constant Sinus Drainage?
Seems like upper respiratory infection with sinus involvement
Detailed Answer:
As per your description, it seems like you are having upper respiratory tract infection along with sinus involvement.
Better to start antibiotics even though you don’t have a fever.
Please get the following things done as the first line of management:
Start a short course of antibiotics for five to seven days. You can either take Amoxicillin or Levofloxacin.
Get a blood routine analysis (CBC) and chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia and chest consolidation.
Do take steam inhalation to help opening up blocked sinuses in case of sinusitis.
You can continue the nasal spray.
Most cases resolve with these line of management. Please discuss this with your doctor.
Wishing you good health. Feel free to ask further.