What Causes Heavy Breathing While Doing Regular Activities?
Got DLC RDW-SD = 48.9 (High as mentioned in report). Is there anything to worry about?
Anxiety Neurosis is most likely
Detailed Answer:
Hi friend
Welcome to Health Care Magic
This description is highly suggestive of Anxiety… Routine physical examination by a physician is the first step to exclude any other illness, if any. When it is normal, psychiatric assessment and assistance will confirm the diagnosis There need be no hesitation to see a psychiatrist –seeing a Cardiologist does not mean, one has heart disease… he will rule in or rule out… Counselling and/or drugs will clear the issue. Prognosis is generally excellent in such situations.
And nothing to worry about RDW / the value is borderline; may be a normal variant, or mild deficiency of B-12 or folic acid / nothing to do except to repeat after a month or two
Appropriate treatment demands accurate diagnosis
And that demands examination
GET EXAMINED / Have a second opinion, if already seen
Good luck
God bless you