What Causes High Heart Rate, Border Line BP And Numbness Feeling?
See an Internist / Follow up by psychologist
Detailed Answer:
Dear friend,
Welcome to Health Care Magic
The high rate, border line pressure and the new sensation – are all suggestive of reaction to stress… situational anxiety
Your symptoms do not suggest Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)… the possibility is rather remote / However, it is better to have an examination / ECG and Blood tests (Enzymes) to rule out – rather than go on guessing…
Hopefully nothing will be found / then go for Psychological assessment and assistance…
Your doctor may also prescribe a small dose of Beta blockers – they help anxiety, rate, pressure and so on… Anti-depressants too may help to tide over… Relax – relaxation techniques, bio feed back, yoga help to relax. Support from family and friends, society can help
Take care
God bless you
Relax / heart problem less likely
Detailed Answer:
That is our body’s reaction to stress – fight or flight.
Adrenals pour out their secretions to combat or comfort.
Just to be reassured that there is basically no heart problem – we do the tests…
A stress ECG (treadmill exercise EXG) practically rules out Coronary Artery Disease. Statistically, your age and sex do not favour heart disease… not at all common in young women of child bearing age