What Causes High Triglycerdies Levels?
Any Thoughts?
Not many worries but watch the triglycerides
Detailed Answer:
let me start from your monocytes. A 10% level is not a very high one but one should also check the absolute number which is the most important. If it is less than around 1000/μL then you should not worry about it. Monocytes can be increased due to viral infections without any clinical consequence.
If your monocytes are above that number then repeat testing in a month would be appropriate.
Your triglycerides are very high. You haven't told us the total cholesterol and HDL/LDL levels. Also you haven't mentioned your body weight. Overweight individuals have higher triglyceride levels than average. Heavy drinkers also. Loosing weight helps to get them on track. The same applies to VLDL.
A healthy diet is essential. Healthy means a lot of fiber (fruits, vegetables, grains etc every day), fish (2 or more meals a week), poultry (2-3 meals a week), red meat (less than once a week). If you want to drink alcohol then keep it to a glass of wine (or two) per day. Exercise is also very important.
Repeat testing after a period of a healthy lifestyle is warranted.
MCHC is of limited utility. If the rest of your complete blood count is normal then you should ignore it.
I hope I've addressed your concerns!
If you need any more guidance, please follow up on your question!
Kind Regards!