What Causes Infected Cyst On Tailbone?
Can be boil, pilonidal cyst or a fistula- Consult a General Surgeon
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query for your daughter.
The swelling near the tailbone can be:
Infected cyst a boil or a sebaceous cyst
Infected pilonidal cyst.
Rarely a starting of a fistula in ano.
This can be differentiated on inspection and examination by a General Surgeon.
If possible ask her to take the second opinion of a General Surgeon to get an appropriate diagnosis on clinical basis.
Any of the above mentioned problems may need incision and drainage if not amenable to the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory treatment. If done by a General Surgeon it may be possible to institute curative surgery in the first place.
I hope this answers your query.
Please feel free to ask further relevant questions if need be or if you feel that there is a gap-of-communication.
depends upon the clinical diagnosis.
Detailed Answer:
Yes, I can understand the obligations she has.
I would advise you to ask her to take an opinion of a General Surgeon so that the question in your mind will be clearing answered as we will get a definite diagnosis.
Most of such cysts / abscesses open up on their own as a body's natural mechanism by making a point of weakness in the skin. Only those which can not open on their own and keep on troubling, need incision or removal if the symptoms persist.
Please have a clinical diagnosis done by a General Surgeon to have more clear picture and then take a decision.