What Causes Knee Pain, Left-sided Torso Pain, Left Shoulder Joint Pain, Tingling Numbness Of The Swollen Left Upper Lip, Left Heel Pain, Mild Cold And Occasional Headaches?
Your other symptoms are not appearing related to teeth
Detailed Answer:
Well the symptoms of numbness, swelling and tingling of cheek can be due to the wisdom tooth causing inflammation of the nerve endings. Also, the cold and headache can be related to the sinus infection or sinusitis. It can also be due to seasonal allergies.
But the other symptoms that you have mentioned are not appearing to be due to tooth related problem. It can be due to gastric problem. Once, get checked by a general physician.
However, I do not think there is any problems getting teeth removed, but better to be on a safer side so get clinically checked once. It will be better if you get wisdom teeth pulled by an oral surgeon.
Please let me know if I can assist you further.
Yes, you need a clinical examination.
Detailed Answer:
Yes, you should get clinically checked. However, the swelling and numbness of lip is probably due to the wisdom tooth only.