What Causes Large Bruising On Knee With Pale Spots In The Middle?
What could this be?
He is also dizzy/lightheaded.
Certain investigations required
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
Bruising on the knees can be a normal feature in case of an active 9 year old. But other causes of reduced coagulability like low platelet count, platelet disorders, clotting factor deficiencies etc. need to be ruled out. Other causes could be vitamin C deficiency or collagen vascular diseases.
Therefore without undue concern, initially I would insist on getting his complete blood count along with platelet count done. The next thing would be Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (PT, INR and aPTT). Based on the reports, we can arrive at a conclusions.
Please get the investigations done. His treating doctor will know about these tests. You might upload the results so that I can comment better.
Wish you for a quick resolution of problems. Wish you and your family health.