Brief Answer:
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Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
I am Dr Madhuri a consultant Ob Gyn and will be answering your query.
There are a few possibilities in this kind of bleeding.
1. Cervical erosion: is a condition where there is inflammation of the cervix. So its lining becomes friable and bleeds.
2. cervical or uterine polyp: These are
estrogen dependent non cancerous growth of the cervix or the uterine lining and may cause light to heavy bleeding.
3. Ovarian cysts or tumors cause
hormonal imbalance and irregular bleed.
4. Ovulation may sometimes be associated with spotting.
Other causes are uterine fibroids,
contraceptive pills or drugs used for
contraception, pelvic infections [ less likely as mostly lead to post coital bleed] and hormonal imbalance. Very rare causes are cancer cervix and uterus. Unlikely at your age. So do not worry.
However the first step in every woman with abnormal bleeding, irrespective of the date of the last period is to get a urine
pregnancy test done. This is because sometimes
implantation bleeding that occurs about the same time as an expected period may mimic a period.
If it is negative, check to see if you are using any drugs like birth control pills, intrauterine devices [like mirena or copper T or multiload] for birth control.
Most of the time it occurs due to transient hormonal imbalances that are self correcting. So regular exercise and healthy diet may help to correct the problem.
If it persists then , the next step is examination by a gynecologist as local causes like polyps, erosions and infections can be detected only by per speculum examination of the cervix and vagina. An
ultrasound may be needed to determine the uterine and ovarian causes like fibroids and ovarian cysts.
A hormonal test may also be needed and will be advised by your doctor.
So as of now, just check with a urine pregnancy test and check your medicines. Follow a healthy diet and exercise daily for 30 minutes. If the problem persists, see a doctor and get evaluated.
Do not worry. The causes are very common and treatable.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist