What Causes Light Flashes In Vision And Dull Throbbing Pain In Ear?
Take this and you'll get what you want.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I have read your query very carefully. I have taken the opinion of my colleagues, since you apparently suffer from a great many number of illnesses. Therefore, taking you very seriously, I would suggest a neurological exam done.
I feel that there would be no findings of anything we cannot take care of with a few pills. I would also ask you to remind the neurologist to do a fundoscopy and the issues you have with eyes needs to be checked out by doing a procedure called ophthalmoscopy to look for any vitreous and aqueous damages, these are fluids in your eye compartment. Also you might need to map out the dark spots that you are seeing and look for it in the eye field test.
Remember to remind the neuro to do this eye and vision test - it also checks if you have problems in your brain fluid.
I don't think it is Pancoast tumor at all. They present with more ominous symptoms. Though you need to certainly stop smoking. Most of the chest issues seems to arise from the anxiety and acidity rather than organic illness in the chest. I would recommend you to take Tab Omeprazole 20mg daily once before food, for a period of 3 weeks.
There's this nice medicine called as Venlafaxin. Now, I know that if you google
it you'll probably come across new like how - depressed, obssessed, neurotics are fed and shovelled this medicine.
If you google deeper, and very patiently, going deep into link after link, you'll find that a rare use of Venlafaxine is for the problems you have right now.
If you cannot lay your hands on Venlafaxine, Then, I'll suggest 2 drugs:
1. Tianeptine (stablon) Tablets - It's a proven substitute for that can help wean off drinks.
2. Naltrexone Tablets - A proven substitute for weaning from both drinks and smoking.
These drugs in combination, will replace drinks and tobacco: and they have the
ability to vastly reduce your other problems - almost all of them.
Try it. Just once. Say for 2 to 3 weeks. There is a 75% chance that you'll recover with venlafaxine alone, If you don not: Then try this Naltrexone + Tianeptine combination for a month.
Would you not agree that it takes a month of regular pills to cure the illness that
you are describing? Apparently you had variations of problems even before you were 13 years old.
I am also hoping that you got a chest Xray done to allay your fears of a lung tumor. If not kindly request if from your GP.
You are free to google this, and tell me about it.
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar
PS: The drugs are all prescription drugs, and so will need you to consult a GP in your vicinity.
Diagnosis: Serotonin deficiency. Treatment: Venlafaxine.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
First, I will say with confidence that all your problems are due to a deficiency of a certain chemical called as Serotinin in your body. This is a chemical in the sense that vitamins, minerals and supplements are chemicals. This Serotonin deficiency, just like vitamin deficiency, is solely responsible for all the problems that you have.
Find it surprising to believe?
Please google "Vitamin A deficiency". This can make a person blind.
Or Google "Vitamin D deficiency". This can make a person lame.
Now, imagine all the problems that you have had since childhood, were due to a deficiency of this single "neurovitamin" (it is one) called as Serotonin.
Venlafaxine is a an SNRE. S erotonin N oradrenaline R euptake E nhancer drug.
You really need this. I would suggest that you really might not need the neurological exam, but the neurologist, or even a family doctor will agree
with me and prescribe you the same drug, or perhaps a different one. Say, Flouxetine, or Fluoxamine, or Paroxetine.
What is supremely important is your peace of mind and happiness.
The pills will cost a few dollars. These drugs have been proven tried and tested in many people just like you. Today, these same people have found that their lives have been transformed.
This could be a crossroads in your life. So, choose the right path.
I'm sure you'll agree with me after a little googling.
Note that Venlafaxine is used for many purposes. And one of these purposes is to help a few people with depression and the like. This is NOT to say that you are suffering from a lapse of reason, or a problem of the mind.
It's just a chemical that boosts another chemical in the body.
You might want to visit your local doctor soon. Try it.
If you have any further questions about this approach. You are free to send me a query. I encourage it. A good patient is an informed patient.
Secondly, there are no problems with your eyes as such, rather a chemical deficiency issue that makes your eyes act up. Really.
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar