What Causes Light Headedness And Chest Pains?
Needs Work up and management
Detailed Answer:
thank you for asking
light headedness and chest pains associated with postures with all ekg and cardiac profile normal looks like a musculoskeletal origin take some skelaxin and see if it helps. lungs infection may also present this way but that might be associated with cough and phlegm and bad wheezy chest and a fever.
pleural membranes involvement may also cause that aka pleuritis and needs management.
Esophageal reflux disorders like GERD, motility disorders, gall bladder issues pancreas pain may also present this way.last but not the lest possibility is of a peptic ulcer too.
nut shell it needs a little work up and a complete clinical correlation for a better and detailed management. Get an internal medicine specialist and let them sort it out you. what ever it would be it would be easily treatable as worrisome causes like hypertension and cardiac issues have already been ruled out. If all clear then anxiety will be considered.
i hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.