What Causes Low Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Heart Palpitations And Lightheadedness After Taking Cabergoline?
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry to note your medical challenges.
We need to know what your current prolactin level is, and the current size of the prolactinoma as well.
If the prolactin levels are normal there is no need to treat with any medication unless the size of the prolactinoma in the pituitary is large and causing pressure symptoms due to it.
Typically when the prolactin levels are normal, the prolactinoma has usually shrunken.
If prolactin is normal and the pituitary is normal in structure and function , then you need to explore other causes of your symptoms.
This decision, as to whether or not you have any endocrine or hormone related disturbance, is best made by a qualified endocrinologist. I see you have met a couple. So if they clear you from the endocrine perspective, then you need to see a cardiologist and a neurologist to pursue other potential reasons for the way you feel.
I also suggest you get checked for a fairly uncommon condition called Pheochromocytoma. It results in some symptoms similar to the ones you are experiencing. A blood test called Plasma Free Metanephrines is a good way to start screening for this possibility
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
This prolactin level needs to be improved. I see you have had challenges with tolerating cabergoline and bromocryptine but see if you can give it another try under supervision of a qualified endocrinologist.
When I see someone like you in my practice, I typically order the following tests in addition to a detailed physical examination:
Liver function tests
Kidney function tests
Free T4
25 hydroxy Vitamin D
8 am cortisol
Second follow up
Detailed Answer:
This is unlikely.
What is more important is to rule out a condition related to your pituitary circumstance called Adrenal Insufficiency. You do have some symptoms suggestive of that.
The 8 am cortisol test is useful in this matter