Brief Answer:
Investigations as suggested
Detailed Answer:
Gone through the history you have provided and the results of the blood tests.
PCOS may not have do anything with the fever.
Diabetes does cause a problem in progression of any disease; She is already on
Glyciphage which helps for PCOS and diabetes at the same time. I hope Her diabetes is under control
Her symptoms of
low grade fever with stomach upsets, nausea and uneasiness are there for one month; reports of the blood tests noted.
UTI was diagnosed 20 days back;
Was she suffering from burning sensation / frequency / painful urination at that time or now? Can you please post the report of urine and blood test at that time.
I would suggest the following things in such a case::
Urine -culture and sensitivity to guide further
Blood culture and sensitivity.
X-ray Chest PA view to rule out
tuberculosis and other chronic problems.
Few more blood tests if not done yet- FreeT3, FreeT4 and TSH / Peripheral blood smear examination by an expert hematologist/
Ultrasonography of abdomen gives an idea about liver, spleen, kidneys, tuberculosis of abdomen- lymph node status, fluid,
appendix or other inflammatory pathology.
I hope all this list helps you and your Doctor to find the disease at the earliest.
I would be happy for any more assistance and to get feedback from you.
Wishing her an early diagnosis and recovery.