Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
From your description it seems that you are dealing more with the groin pain than
abdominal pain.
Hernia is one possibility. Sometimes it is very hard to rule it out.
Ultrasound sometimes can give negative answer and hernia can be still present. I just hope your ultrasound were done while you have been standing (not lying down) and coughing (during coughing hernia can appear). If not, you should have one.
Hernia should give symptoms mainly when lifting heavy objects, coughing or even pushing on stool. Please try to put your hand in the pain area and cough few times (you should stand up when doing it). If the pain aggravates during this activity and some lump knocks to your finger, hernia is possible.
Urinary tract infection can give lower right abdominal pain. But it usually causes lower both sides pain, one side back pain and one side groin pain. Please try to push your abdomen in the lowest place, just above the bone located in the pubis area. This is where bladder should be painful.
Groin one side pain can sometimes imitate hernia pain and be caused by inflammation of the adductor of the thigh. This condition is mostly caused by some physical activity (like jogging, bike riding, stretching). The pain appears when walking or stretching. To diagnose it, soft tissues ultrasound (or better MRI) should be done.
Your stool problems can be related to the left lower abdominal pain, but not groin pain. Colon hyperactivity may be caused by some antibiotics course (for UTIs for example), stress, bad diet or some tumor. But all of that does not cause groin pain.
Here is what I suggest you to do:
- urine culture and regular urine analysis (not a strip test)
- consult good surgeon who will be able to perform physical activity for possible hernia, if there will be any doubts, MRI is the best way to finally rule hernia out
- consult orthopedist if you find adductor
muscle inflammation possible
- have
stool test, stool culture test; in case of blood in the stool
colonoscopy is necessary, in case of infection,
probiotic and Rifaximine treatment should be beneficial
Hope this will help.
Note: Revert back with your health reports to get further guidance on your gastric problems.
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