What Causes Lump On The Upper Part Of Labia Minora?
Looks to be a cyst
Detailed Answer:
Since when you have got this lump?
Is it painful?
Has it enlarged suddenly?
How was it detected?
As you say it is just uncomfortable, there look to be no associated symptoms like pain, redness or tenderness ( pain on pressure).
You may wait if this is long standing and causing no symptoms. Get this confirmed by a Gynecologist and get it operated if advised.
Till then you can apply liquid Povidone Iodine, watch for signs of inflammation like redness, increase in size, pain or tenderness. If this remains stationary, nothing to worry about.
Your nest question: as to why have I this > this area as full of glands which secrete secretions. The duct of one of the glands get blocked so that the secretions pent-up inside to give rise to a cyst. This is not due to some other disease so do not think of it much.
Wait for Gyne opinion.