What Causes Mild Pain On Right Side Of Waist?
Red wine mistaken for blood likely
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Pain in flanks is likely a musculoskeletal. Some skelaxin will help the issue with acetaminophen. However this blood in stools is something worth considering. What you might be considering blood might be the color attributed to the stools by the recent red wine you took with aspirin.
Red wine, Red food coloring, beets, cranberries, tomato juice or soup, red gelatin or drink mixes are some of the common reasons for which stools get bright red color and may be mistaken for blood in stools.
However get tested if you get another episode. Get a bleeding profile analysed then and avoid aspirin at any cost.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.