What Causes Mucus Discharge From The Anus Or Vagina?
If the discharge is from anus, then you need to consult surgeon.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to healthcare magic. I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
It is important to first find out whether the mucus discharge is from vagina or anus.
If it is from vagina, it could just be due to excessive secretion from vaginal mucosa. This can sometimes occur with excessive exertion too. This is normal and you need not worry about it. This is not infection as you do not have any other symptoms of infection.
If this mucus discharge is from anus, it could be due to anal fissure, hemorrhoid, intestinal disease etc.
If you are sure it is from anus, you need to consult surgeon.
I hope this is helpful.
If you have further queries, do write to me.
Best wishes,
Dr Rama
Details below
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
I have read your notes.
It is probably the vaginal mucus exitting through the fistula track into anus.
It could also be mucosa from the fistula track itself due to inflammation.
Do consult your doctor again. If there is any inflammation they may prescribe antibiotics.
I hope this is helpful.
If you have further queries, do write to me.
Best wishes,
Dr Rama