Question: About 3 months ago I started having a pain in my upper arm but nothing really to worry about but then it travelled down my arm into an achy feeling sometimes with
sharp pain and that carried onto my leg with same feeling within about 2 weeks. All this is on my left side. Sometimes sharp pain but mostly achy feeling that is very uncomfortable and painful. After this I had really
low back pain on both sides After this I had urgency to urinate but tests came back negative for
thrush, uti and had an
ultrasound of pelvis, bladder and kidneys nad all came back clear. About a week and half later it went as quick as it came. Still had the pain on the left side the whole time. About 1 week after that I had stomach pains and back pain still and diagnosed with possible
IBS as I was having more frequent bowel movements but nothing to serious at all but all the FODMAP really didn't do much but after 3 weeks this seems to have subsided a lot and bowel movements are back to completely normal for me. THen I started having physio as 4 drs thought perhaps muscular. I had developed bad headches like tension headches constantly for last 2 weeks but after 3 physio treatments on my neck this seems to be getting better with this and I can go a day without them or they seem not as severe now. It is leaving my local doctors baffled.
Also I thought to add, back pain has subsided dramatically where I don't really notice it anymore and that sort of went away the same time stomach pain and cramps settled down. I had had 3 lots blood tests over the 3 months all come back normal (ANA, FBC/ESR, RF, C reative protein to name a few) The thing that really bothers me is achy, pain in whole left side now that's been constant. Pap smears fine, internal an externals all appear fine, sugar levels fine, strength test done anout 3 months ago showed no weakness according to dr. My GP who is normally very good and thorough who I trust a lot has referred me to rhemotologist and said he may sent MRI as he thinks this is the best specialist to go to from here?? Had accupunture once at physio with limited success besides
headaches but said I will need more? I haven't done any
injury I can remember but I do have a 14kg 3 year old and single mum and so I do pick him up a lot as he's very clingy child. Other then that I just exercise 45 min a day but don't lift weights at gym