What Causes Muscle Twitches?

BFS is the most likely accurate diagnosis. You must not over analyze
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Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Saghafi and I am a neurologist from XXXXXXX Ohio.
In someone of your age who presents with twitches without other symptoms and who is physically very active the diagnosis of BFS is the most likely diagnosis. I'm sure the neurologist told you that between 55-65 is UNUSUAL but not shocking, from 45-54, INFREQUENT and mildly surprising, 35-44, RARER that Steak Tartar and really grabs your attention, 25-34 Odds of this one are less than winning the POWERBALL Lottery and gets published in every major medical journal in the country, <25 years old, ARE YOU AN ALIEN???
BFS sometimes will go away in a short period of time, sometimes a longer period of time, and sometimes it's for life.
Your nerves a re not dying. They are simply being overstimulated for some unknown reason so don't over analyze things. If they were dying then, you should be getting weaker and weaker as time goes on and that just doesn't happen.
Did your neurologist tell you that BFS is believed to be hereditary which means someone in the family is bound to a form of it....
If the neurologist says you're good then, I'd believe him. I would definitely NOT DO more EMG's if I were in your position.
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Thanks for the update on that since sleep paralysis and cataplexy can certainly be associated with other types of sleep disorders and medical conditions as well. However, in this case and as you've now clarified you may suffer from insomnia.
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This query has required a total of 26 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile with return envoy to patient.

Here's a poem I wrote about BFS- Tell me if you like it!
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So, after this ALS bucket challenge was going for awhile and was getting literally bombarded daily with no less than 3-5 people a day that were terrified that they had ALS....haven't found one yet who did....I decided to write this poem....see if you can relate---
An Ode to Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS)
If it twitches while in song,
If it twitches but it's strong,
If it twitches, twitches,
Twitches, TWITCHES ALL night long.
If it twitches here or there,
If it twitches everywhere,
Yet the fibers do not rustle,
When you go to make a muscle.
And you've been to Doctor 1,
And you've been to Doctor 2,
And you've been to Doctor 3,
But they all just look at you!
And you've done your labs,
Your sticks, your jabs,
And those painful EMG's
To be told you're fine,
You're good- Go home
An allergy to Cheese?
So finally, you arrive at home
And those muscles twitch no less.
Think back to what your Granny said,
"Dear Child- it's BFS!"
Yes, in my opinion and experience the weakness, unintended weight loss, and stumbling/falling parameters are so far ahead of the twitching in ALS that it's not even funny.
Lift BIG or GO home!
Thank you in advance for providing a STAR RATING as well as some written feedback if your questions have been satisfactorily answered to this point. In addition, CLOSING THE QUERY on your end will also be most helpful.
My webpage is also open to your needs at:
Contact me at any time with other medical questions if I can be of service.
This query has required a total of 38 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile with return envoy to patient.
Dariush Saghafi, MD

Glad you enjoyed it
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Thanks for enjoying that little diddy....I thought it captured the essence of both what the BFS syndrome is all about as well as what people who are running crazy because they've heard about twitching muscles and the "sky is falling down"...sound like.....
And you've validated another important detail which I think the XXXXXXX public (and maybe to some extent the world) are forgetting. The practice of GOOD medicine, medicine that diagnoses and cures illnesses (not stupid garbage doctors on TV preaching wellness to a bunch of depressed housewives who have nothing more to do that watch these idiots who have forgotten what clinical medicine is for the limelight and ratings!)....how THAT kind of medicine cannot be practiced by the lay person looking on the Internet of all places, and then, pointing to a list of symptoms put together by bloggers and scammers who want you to buy their vitamins and creams....and then, diagnose themselves and say, "Oh, I've got this and I've got that....."
Medicine is learned and taught the good old fashioned way with real books, wise professors who know real knowledge and love to constantly learn through their teachers and experience...not by reading internet hype sites, and then, applying the knowledge to real life patients, and spending their lives in schools, hospitals, and clinics....not like these soft residents nowadays who think that being a resident is like any other job with a 40 hr. work week...and "Oh, this is so hard that I have to be on call...and this is so hard that I have to a research project AND prepare a paper for journal club...and see my patients....oh, please....Boo Hoo....cry me a river....bunch of XXXXXXX liver'ed sissies......! ROFLMAO........that's the medical student and resident of today.....not of my time....I had 100-120 hr. work weeks...and if I didn't get to sleep for 2 nights in a row? You know what I did? I was thankful that it wasn't 3 nights in a row!! Deal with it buster-- I tell these woose residents now or get the hell out of my hot kitchen.....you wanna play ping pong....or you wanna play football with a leather skinned helmet?
Oohhh....that felt good....anyways, it's all good my friend.....if you're twitching doesn't resolve itself in the near future....get back with me and we'll go through a workup to find the problem. Chances are good it'll fix itself. Keep your hydration, your diet up....don't switch to any crazy supplements, diet drinks that you don't know anything about....these ridiculous energy drinks...crap like that....they all have ingredients that can either put in the hospital with strokes and heart attacks or junk that irritates the stomach or other things in your body. Stick to natural regimens, fresh fruits and vegetables, no additives, preservatives, and get at least 2-3 sessions of aerobics exercises in per week of at least 20 minutes daily....lifting is fine....but you need to combine that with cardiovascular for optimal health.
Many thanks if you'd provide a STAR RATING as well as some written feedback if your questions have been satisfactorily answered to this point and my rant didn't bore you too much! LOL.
In addition, CLOSING THE QUERY on your end will also be most helpful so the network will credit what we've done together right away.
My webpage is also open to your needs at:
Contact me at any time with other medical questions....you never know what other crazy limericks or surprises I might come with just so I DON'T GET BORED listening to myself! HAHA!
This query has required a total of 64 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile with return envoy to patient.
Peace Out.

Hey- NP- It's my job, right? lol
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the vote of confidence....glad it made you feel better and hope you understand the condition a bit more....
As far as what the EMG shows...remember, it's an ELECTRICAL STUDY therefore, it's designed to detect and gather information about the electrical status of muscles and nerves. So, "weakness" or "strength" in a conventional sense of force of contraction, etc. is not what the test demonstrates.
But it detects what it's supposed to detect in cases of ALS. It's the single best diagnostic test available for that particular disease. So, if it didn't show anything....no other test can do any better.
Please don't forget to provide the all important STAR RATING as well as some written feedback if your questions have been satisfactorily.
In addition, CLOSING THE QUERY on your end will also be most helpful so the network will credit what we've done together right away.
My webpage is also open to your needs at:
Contact me at any time with other medical questions.
This query has required a total of 82 minutes of physician specific time to read, research, and compile with return envoy to patient.

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