Question: Hi, I am a 58 year old woman, but is normally fit and healthy (somewhat
overweight) but I usually go to the gym and walk a lot. I have been feeling increasingly nauseous lately (for the past couple of months), have not vomited (I had lapband surgery four years ago) but I do have bloating and explosive bowels sometimes. This comes and goes, but I feel just 'unwell' and a bit tired. I decided to try a
gluten free diet 4 days ago, but my symptoms are still the same. (Perhaps completely unrelated, I also have a very sore shoulder (suddenly) after falling two weeks ago and landing heavily on my hands. This became much more sore four days ago after I was chopping kindling, but I think it is a little better today. I had an xray yesterday and am having an
ultrasound scan next Tuesday, and my doctor gave me codeine 60mg to have with
paracetamol and ibuprofen - advising me to have it sparingly because of
constipation etc. The last codeine tab I took was last night at about 8pm (it is now 11.40 the next morning). ) This nausea comes and goes, along with mild
stomach cramps but I have no appetite in between. I think, on reflection that the nausea and lethargy have got a bit worse over the past month or so. I have also been quite flat, or depressed over this time, which is quite unlike me normally.
Do you know what could be causing this? I am also on BP meds - accupril, metropolol and