Brief Answer:
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Detailed Answer:
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Dexilant can cause low level of
magnesium if taken it for long time, and could be the cause of Your
palpitation. Blood levels could still be within normal range. I would suggest you must take magnesium supplement, which also contains, Vitamin D, and calcium. It will not only help in maintaining your magnesium level, will also help you in inducing soothing sleep, and for prevention of osteoporosisi.
Long use of any
proton pump inhibitor ( Dexilant) put you under risk of Osteoporosis.
Besides that FSH level could be within normal range, but imbalance of
Estrogen and
progesterone level, can cause palpitation. In some cases we give Progesterone which help in relieving these symptoms. But your doctor has to assess the need for this.
At this age, hidden Anxiety and
depression due to various causes may increase the sensitivity , imbalance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and may again cause palpitation, and other symptoms..
Your doctor must also rule out Thyroid disorders, and
Hypoglycemia. I would say, during midnight when you get awake by these symptoms, try to do home blood glucose level.
Once your Doctor rules out any heart cause for the above symptoms, then your competent physician has to look out for above cause, and I am sure you will be relieved. As you have said you are taking good care of diet and exercises, so I am not reflecting on that issue.
Hope you have got your answer. You are welcome for further query.
Dr H Hamdani
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