What Causes Nose Bleeding In A Child?
She had bit of nose bleeding 2-3 before during summer and i thought that would have happened due to heat.
But the weather was fine today and she just didnt stop bleeding from here nose. I got her hair dipped in water and then closed her nose for 10 minutes. What should i do to prevent it? What should i do if nose bleeding happens again? What she should do when it happens in school?
The cause needs evaluation. ENT checkup should be done at the earliest.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone carefully through the details. Nose bleeding could occur due to some injury, raised blood pressure or nasal pathology like nasal polyp. Bleeding tendencies due to clotting disorders or due to low platelet count is also possible. It is not possible to comment on the cause without a thorough clinical examination but that is beyond the scope of this online discussion. The management would depend on the cause. Hence I would insist you to visit a ENT doctor and to get her thoroughly checked without delay. If that is not feasible, you should visit the ER and get the child checked.
I understand your concerns that the bleeding could recur when she is at school. But without the cause being evaluated it is not possible to give you a solution in that regard. Ice application could be helpful.