What Causes Numbness In The Left Temple Area?
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Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
I am assuming you would have mentioned if there were other symptoms, such as headache, pain in the jaw or the ear, visual changes, numbness involving the whole half of your face, facial asymmetry or any other symptom. In case you have omitted any such symptoms you can add it later.
If that temple numbness is indeed an isolated symptom it doesn't indicate any particular brain issue. At times it may be the initial symptom of Bell palsy, peripheral facial palsy, if that is the face muscle weakness on that side will follow in the coming 24 hours with facial asymmetry. It could also be the initial manifestation of Herpes Zoster, a viral infection involving a cranial nerve, in that case pain and skin manifestations should occur soon, so again if present for some time that is not the case.
Other possibilities could be related to other structures other than the nervous system like dysfunction of the temporo-mandibular joint, the joint between the mandible and the skull. Ear, sinus or upper teeth infection are among these possibilities as well. But again some pain should be present in these conditions apart from the numbness irradiating in the temple.
Last possibility is also a psychological phenomena, related to anxiety, common at your age due to menopausal changes.
At times abnormal sensations like these can come and go without a cause being found. As I said though in the absence of other symptoms doesn't indicate anything serious.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.