What Causes Numbness In The Quadriceps And Lower Back Spasms?
Need further consultation with orthopedic surgeon,,,
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry for the health problems you are facing.
Now, bulging discs you are having on L4&L5 and C6&C7 are causing compression on the nearby nerves. This is clinically shown with numbness in your left quadriceps and burning sensation with lower back spasms.
You need further consultation with orthopedic surgeon in order to determine the level of damage and the right treatment strategy (only medication or surgical therapy)?
For the moment, I advise to:
- take analgesic meds (continue taking advil; aleve can help also). If still pain, pregabalin or injection pain killers recommended
- multivitamin supplementation containing vit. B complex, calcium, vit. D, magnesium, zinc, can help nerve regeneration
- can apply local analgesics and warm clothing to ease the lower back spasms.
- physio-therapy recommended too
Wish fast recovery.