What Causes Numbness On The Left Side Of The Head?
Numbness of the head- Recommend being seen immediately by a neurologist
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your question.
Numbness over the left side of the head could be 1 of several things but no matter what it turns out to be I would highly recommend that if it is something which is persisting and not going away or somehow getting worse by way of your developing other symptoms such as drooping of a corner of the mouth, not being able to hold food/drink in without spilling/drooling, not being able to close the eye on the affected side, development of pain, or an itchy/burning rash that you be seen immediately by a physician who may consider a diagnosis of some type of inflammation of the 7th Cranial Nerve (Bell's Palsy). If the diagnosis can be made quickly enough then, the combination between a steroid medication and an antiviral could help you recover function a bit more quickly and possibly dampen any of the more chronic symptoms that could develop if in fact this turned out to be a 7th nerve inflammatory condition.
The 2nd thing this could be would be the compression of a cervical spinal nerve emanating from the spinal cord and subserving the left part of the scalp or head and this could be due to arthritis in the upper cervical spine that could be squeezing one of the exiting nerves that could result in numbness and tingling without much in the way of a motor component...or at least you wouldn't notice as much motor affectation if we were talking about a C2 or C3 distribution type of problem from degenerative disc disease or a compressive osteophyte.
Another thing that could be checked out would be your metabolic status with regard to nutritional status of certain vitamins and hormones such as B12, folate, Vitamin D, and thyroid function that could theoretically cause these symptoms although such restriction to just half of the face or head is a bit unusual.
Another possibility, a brainstem TIA affecting nothing more than the 5th cranial nerve could also cause theoretical numbness of half the head/face without much else going on THOUGH I would expect other findings having to do with focus of vision mainly or ability to move the eye about on the left side as well as changes in ability to chew food properly or biting down properly, etc. For this reason a NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION sooner rather than later is highly recommended followed by appropriate diagnostic and/or laboratory testing given the proper constraints.
All in all, sitting here without very much more information than what you've provided I would say that unless you have access to a private physician or Urgent Care Center in your area today to check this problem out....that I would just as soon want to see you heading to an ER...even if your symptoms seem to be getting better. That is because if in fact this does turn out to be a TIA.....your risk for a stroke in the next 30 days is significantly increased and so you should know what is causing this in order to not be burdened with that thought that this could evolve into a stroke (if it hasn't already).
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This query has utilized a total of 36 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.