What Causes One Sided Facial Swelling?
I am suffering from some swelling on the face. Not too severe. But noticeable at this point.
And more on the right side than on the left. One side swelling is more.
Recently I started taking "Nature's Bounty" Saw Palmetto 450 Mg - 2 capsules everyday since last 10 days.
And I was told my local general medical practitioner that it might be the cause of the swelling on my face. I also read some articles, studies and people admitting to that sort of a reaction to saw palmetto on the internet.
I was taking saw palmetto as "one" of the medicines to stop hair loss and hair regrowth, besides Keraglo Men and Bio Light Laser Hair Therapy.
I'm suffering from Alopecia Areta (bald patches on my head) and Androgenic Aloepecia (male patterned baldness) together.
I didn't want to take Minoxidal or any other such harmful medicines which has serious side effects. And also, cause the effects go away once you stop taking those medicines.
Hence, earlier I used to take Segals Advanced Hair Supplement (Saw-Palmetto-10 mg, Kelp-150 mg, Stinging Nettle-115 mg, Fo Ti-150 mg and Silica (Aqueous Horsetail Extract)-75 mg.
I had taken it for many months and it never caused swelling on my face. Maybe the qty n potency of Saw palmetto was less in this. But it didn't seem to help much with hair regrowth, hence I had stopped it.
Anyways, so my question is.. Do I need to stop taking "Nature's Bounty" 450 mg Saw Palmetto completely or just reduce the dosage to one capsule per day???
Or do I need to shift to Segals Advanced Hair Supplement containing just 10 mg of saw palmetto??
And if I completely stop taking Nature's Bounty "450 MG Saw palmetto", how long will it take for the swelling on my face to subside???
Thanks a lot in advance. I'm very worried. Pls help me out.
Sorry I forgot to tell you that I also started taking "Defset-6" - Deflazacort, 6 days ago.
And one of the common side effects of Deflazacort is fluid retention which leads to swelling of the face.
So.. I'm confused.. What caused swelling... Deflazcort or Saw Palmetto??
The swelling started 4-5 days ago.
Facial swelling is deflazacort induced.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
I have carefully read your query and understand your concern.
The more one sided facial swelling in your case is Deflazocort induced and it has nothing to do with Saw palmetto or its dose 10 mg vs 450 mg whatsoever.
If you are allergic to saw palmetto,you will be so for your life time .When a 10 mg did not elicit allergic response for a long time ,then even 450 mg would not even induce it.
So just forget about it.
Meanwhile I advice you to continue with Segal advanced hair supplement.
Deflazacort has this fluid retaining capacity hence manifested as facial puffiness.
Gradual dose reduction will help to ameliorate the side effects of facial swelling and finally it subsides on its own.
So you need no worry much.
Thank you