What Causes Ongoing Left-sided Pain In Abdomen Radiating Through Back And Buttocks?
Pain left abdomen with Bloating/ Under Assessment
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Pain left abdomen with Bloating/ Under Assessment
My Impression-
Colitis with IBS?
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Reviewed your health concerns in context to the facts of your query.
I would suggest you to update more info as follows-
Since how long these complaints exist?
What is your days working and diet schedule?
Any food triggers which increase the abdominal discomfort with low back/hip discomforts?
Would await for above and additional information,upon which I would suggest changes if any in your health care.
In the mean while I would suggest you for the following plan of managing with your
My Opinion-
Based on the facts of the query,you seem to have Colitis with Constipation-?IBS.
I would suggest you as follows-
Based on the facts-of your query-
-Plenty of fluids -to recoup dehydration in your body
Tab-MEFTAL Spas-Twice Daily x 5-7 days time-if the pain and discomfort disturbs you
Tab-CIPLOX OZ- Twice daily x 5-7 days to eliminate infection exaggerating the complaints.
-Add 30 mts exercises to your daily schedules -if you are missing on it.
Change your diet to More with Vegies and less of Non-Veg -on regular basis
-Reduce on spices
-Reduce on your high fiber intake a little
-Reduce on your food Volumes -to half x for 2 weeks
-Butter Milk-watery skimmed x 3 times a day
-Spinach Soup-3 times a day
If your diet is OK,reduce by 50% on hormone pellets/ and Vitamin dosage- for x 2 weeks
Investigations-for following with help of your GP doctor and/or Physician / Surgeon as follows-
Stool Routine +Microscopic with Occult test
Proctoscopy for Rectal and Anal Assessment from Surgeon
Colonoscopy -for assessing colon status
CBC-Complete Blood Checking-for assessing the effects of these complaints currently on your General Health.
CT Abdomen with Contrast -for ruling any colonic diseases causing these complaints for your age.
Hope this would help you to recover in next 2 weeks time.
Keep Me updated on your investigations and your progress.
In case you need, do monthly follow-up, which is necessary for 3 months atleast.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist