What Causes Orange Colored Coating On Tongue And Itchy Scalp?
systemic disease resulting in fungal lesions
Detailed Answer:
Hello. First of all thanks for approaching Healthcaremagic. Read through your query. Accordingly I feel that the itchy scalp and armpits can be due to some systemic infection which reduces overall immunity of your body resulting in fungal infection in oral cavity (orange coating of the tongue). Also as you mentioned about irritation of stomach may be due some systemic condition. So in treating oral lesion first of all we have to find the cause and remove it then oral lesion will subside eventually. So I suggest you to do ELISA (to rule out HIV) and TPA ABS(to rule out syphilis), blood tests, culture to rule out fungal infection and meet a Dermatologist (for treatment based on your clinical presentation because treatment by me is based on the symptoms told by you which may differ on actual clinical situation). If it is fungal infection doctor would advice anti fungal medication.
If possible you can upload the image of your tongue.
Now regarding the orange tongue it can be treated symptomatically by following few simple steps
1)brush twice daily
2)do tongue scraping(tongue contains huge load of microbes)
3)do chlorhexidine mouthrinse daily
4)apply nystatin gel on the tongue and areas of lesion
5)drink lots and lots of water(dehydration and dry mouth can cause fungal lesion)
6)have lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits(to reduce vitamin deficiency if any)
Follow these for 2 weeks and you will feel better. Meanwhile I also suggest you antihistamines like cetrizine 5 mg for itching once a day before bed.
But besides all these be cool and happy. Happy and calm mind is the best medicine for any diseases. Hope you are benefited something from this reply. If you have more queries please be free to ask, I am waiting to serve you. Have a healthy day.
Dr.Rohit S Menon
it can be due to systemic candidiasis
Detailed Answer:
Happy to hear from you.
Since these tests were negative it can be due to systemic candidiasis (fungal infection) which was transfered to your son and wife by contact.
So I suggest you can have systemic anti fungal drugs like amphotericin, ketoconazole etc.(dosage as specified by your dermatologist since these are prescribed medication). I suggest you to meet a dermatologist at earliest and get the treatment done for systemic condition. Regarding oral infection once the systemic condition is relieved your oral lesion will also be relieved and also you can follow the steps said by me which will relieve your oral fungal infection.
Be positive and follow the steps you will be relieved from your problems.Cool and happy mind relieves the pain in no time.
Hope you are benefited something from this reply.
If you have more queries please be free to reply.Happy to help you always.Have a healthy day!!!
Dr.Rohit S Menon
you are most welcome
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome.Hope you are relieved of your problem soon.Be happy always and enjoy life. Have a healthy day!!!
Dr Rohit S Menon