What Causes Pain Across The Chest And Stomach Area?
less now, but continues on my left side when I am string. I think it might be a strained muscle, but thought it would be gone by now. I am gutten intolerant - so have tummy problems, but the pain is not like that. It has decreased to an ache - but it is uncomfortable for me to wear a bra.
Most likely muscular pain - get examined
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Hi friend
Welcome to Health Care Magic
The description is typical of muscle pain – from unusual posture or movement. Relation to movement and bra are highly suggestive
Try simple paracetamol (acetaminophen = Tylenol) … muscle relaxants may help, but may need prescription…
Pain from the heart is oppressing, in central chest (and left), worse on effort, relieved by rest, may radiate to shoulders and arms, associated with sweating and so on. Your symptoms do not suggest Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). However, AT THIS AGE, IT IS BETTER TO HAVE AN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM
In suspected heart attack, time is of essence – if detected early, an attack may even be aborted / the amount of damage and complications can be reduced remarkably. The most important time is the first few hours. Better be safe than sorry - treated if a problem is found / Happy, if it turns out otherwise
Go to ER – to rule out rather than rule in….
Diagnosis demands examination; probably investigation too
Good luck
God bless you
Thanks - All the best
Detailed Answer:
No cause for concern...