What Causes Pain And Discomfort In The Rectal Area?
Rectal tear
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for contacting HCCM with your health care concerns
I am sorry to hear that you have had some pain and dsicomfort in the rectal area. What you are describing is a rectal tear with mild inflammation and possible infection. This is a common condition caused by a large and difficult to pass stool that tears the rectal area. the skin then gets infected. The infection is causing the burning and the unusual smell. In addition to help protect the area your body is producing more mucous to allow for better wound healing.
To facilitate healing you can do the following things. First and the most important is be sure your stool are soft and easy to pass. Usually using a fiber laxative like metamucil will do. If not then add a stool softener. Second after having a bowel movement use tucks pads to fully clean the rectal area. This will burn but it allows for better cleaning of the rectum and better healing. If these measures don't help then see your medical provider.
In summary
1. Rectal tear with infection
2. Fiber laxative fro easy to pass stools
3. Tucks pads for cleaning and improved healing
4. See provider if no improvement
I hope I answered your question. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions
Rectal spasms
Detailed Answer:
Yes I agree that you are getting better. You could have had a small tear and that caused enough irritation to cause the rectal spasms. As long as you are getting better this will heal. I still recommend the softer stools and the tucks pads as a way to speed healing. If this does not help I would recommend being seen by your medical provider.
Residual pain
Detailed Answer:
The residual pain is still the healing process going on in your rectal area. For full diagnosis I would recommend that you see your medical provider and possible referral to a GI specialist to fully diagnose your problem. The food particles you are see are the parts of foods that can't be digested usually vegetable matter. This is normal and nothing unusual.
Best wishes