What Causes Pain In Back And Neck Of A Toddler?
supplement ca & Vit D,physiotherapy,
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear
welcome to the HCM
Kindly write in the next query about the weight of the baby. For how long the baby is taking wysolone? Any other medicine the child is receiving.
There are fair possibility of getting Hypocalcemia in the patient of nephrotic syndrome with steroids.
His posture of sitting should be taken care by the physiotherapist.
To relief the muscle strain, physical neck exercises to be learned and practiced form the physiotherapist.
His Vitamin D level/serum calcium lever to be evaluated,which is now days commonly found to be low especially in indoor children( poor exposure to sun).
Supplementation of Vitamin D to done( complete course- total ten sachets once a day with milk (calcirol satchets/Vitanova).
Syrup calcium (shelcal/osteocalcium) etc to be regularly given.
Muscle relaxant and analgesic medicines like Paracetamol @15 mg/kg 4 to 6 hourly or SOS can be given with application of some gel like Relaxyl gel for the symptomatic relief.
Hope the query is explained.
Please feel free for the further clarification.
your answer was so helpful.. my baby started wyslone 3 week before. to be exact started medicine on 9th august 2014. now daily heis having 3.5 tablets of wyslone 10 mg.along with that he s having half piece pantop 20 mg.at the time of starting wyslone baby was 13.800.. and with in two days his weight reducedto 11.800.and i guess thts his exact weight. now he is too hungry and eating too much which we cant control and again his wait is 13.850. but my doctor said its ok and its side effect of having steroid.once we reduce the doze of medicine baby will feel ok.. once again i thank you doctor for giving me a speedy reply...
Thanks for the appreciation.
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome sir,
Initial weight loss with steroids is because have started working and kidney functions are improving leading to release of excess fluid trapped in the body.
Thanks a lot.
Dr Irshad H Naqvi