What Causes Pain In Left Hip, Left Shoulder, Neck And Back?
I sit at computer most days at work for 8 hours.
I am right handed and dont use the mouse with left hand.
I am overweight...when I walk my left hip hurts and i also get pain in my left shoulder.
Detailed Answer:
Hello & thank you for submitting your question.
Musculoskeletal issues are a very common result of work that requires us to remain in a fixed position for extended periods of time. Remaining seated in front of
a computer in essentially they same configuration, as you describe, is a common condition that results in the type
of pain you describe. It is likely that the posture required to use the computer is contributing to your left-sided pain, since you are essentially supporting your right side upper body with your left side (= you use mostly your right arm/hand to perform tasks such as using a mouse). Adjustment of all items such as chair height, incline, angle of computer, etc is important to try to develop a neutral posture at your desk. It is also important to change your position periodically & as frequent as possible without significantly disrupting your work to stand and/or stretch your upper and lower body. Muscle strengthening & range of motion exercises for your back, core & hips/legs can be effective in helping with posture issues.
You may try these interventions for a few weeks to see if they help with your discomfort. If the pain persists, worsens, or if new symptoms develop, it would be very reasonable to see your physician for a physical examination and assessment.
Yours in good health,
Dr Galamaga