What Causes Pain In Testicle Post Ejaculation?
Rule out prostatitis
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query.
Orchalgia or testicular pain after ejaculation maybe suggestive of an inflammatory process such as that involving prostate gland or the seminal vesicles.
Do you have any burning micturation?
I would have done digital rectal examination, to find out whether you have enlarged prostate or not. So you can see doctor for examination and confirmation. If required the physician may also collect and test a sample of the prostatic fluid.
Presently, I would suggest you to avoid alcohol, coffee, smoking and spicy food. Warm sitz baths will be helpful. Need of the antibiotic and other drug like Alfa blocker can be decided based on the examination, so see doctor for further help.
This provisional advice provided by me is based entirely on the input provided to me. I would suggest examination by the doctor.
I hope this suggestion might be of some help to you.
Take care.