What Causes Pain In The Navel?
Related to my belly button swell? Is this something that can wait to be looked at for awhile? Here in CO, the winterization of sprinklers has started so I'm relied on heavily at work until Dec. and this is the last income until Mid-March.
Hernia symptoms
Detailed Answer:
You seem to have early symptoms of hernia. The hernia could be in inguinal region that is groin that seem to put pressure on the seminal cord and into the scrotal region hence you have those symptoms.
Whenever the pressure inside the abdomen builds up e.g cough, heavy weights, abdominal exercises etc the symptoms worsen.
It is wiser to check/examine by physician if the hernia is given into the canal initially. Anycase you have to avoid lifting weights during your work and I know this is your bread winning job but somethings have to be clarified to avoid potential complications.
And it may be connected to button swelling but sometimes I find simple cysts in the belly button which are not connected to hernia.
To say anything further I suggest to get a physical examination by doctor on early available appointment basis if my presumptions are correct.