What Causes Pain, Tenderness On Left-sided Back Along With Knot, Fever And Chills?
Urinary tract infection most likely.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking HCM
I have gone through your query. Fever and chills associated with frequency and painful urination are characteristic signs of urinary tract infection. Urine routine examination as well as culture and sensitivity of urine should be done. From urine routine we can identify whether it has affected kidneys.
Antibiotic therapy will be required. Initially antibiotics are given empirically and change if necessary after getting culture report.
Taking potassium citrate in water will be helpful to relieve pain and discomfort. Barley water or cranberry juice is also good.
Ultrasound examination should be done in case of signs of kidney infection.
Let me know if anything not clear. I am happy to help you.