What Causes Painful Ejaculation?
Need to check for prostate infection/inflammation
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
You have pain and red lumps in semen. Red lumps are likely blood clot.
Common causes of such problem are inflammation of prostate,seminal vesicles or sexually transmitted infection(STD).Sometime testis pathology or injury also can cause such problem.
You need to undergo urine testing for routine and microbiological examination.
treatment depends on cause. Mostly anti inflammatory and sutitable antibiotics are needed.
I also need some information to help you more.
-Since when do you have such problem? Is it always or occasionally?
-Do you have any problem related to urination?
-Do you have burning urine?
-Do you have any history of abdominal surgery or injury over pelvic region?
-Did you have any past history of STD or unprotected intercourse with more than one partner?
Waiting for your reply to help you further.
Dr.Chintan Solanki.
likely some urogenital infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
Pain while urinating and recent past kidney infection suggest that cause is likely some urogenital infection.
You need to undergo further investigations like ultrasound and intravenous pyleography if needed.
If you have past record of kidney infection like blood, ultrasound or medicines taken , please ulpoad the reports.
Go for urine examonation and consult general surgeon for physical examination also.
I hope this answers your concern, if you have further query do not hesitate to ask.